Shop Manual, Vol. I, 10th Edition
New, expanded front to back edition

With the expanded 10th edition, the original and time-tested Colt 45 Auto/M1911 pistol bench manual is now in it’s 18th printing and remains the best bench inspection, trouble shooting, repair, hand fitting and basic accurizing manual ever published on the subject. 100’s of photos and illustrations. Covers the Colt Government model, including series 80’s, and the U.S. Military M1911 and M1911A1 models. Also covers most copies and clones of the M1911 pistol. Necessary tooling is also shown.
Readers have commented that the new 10th edition has somewhere between a whole lot more and twice the information and might make earlier editions obsolete.
All we can say is we sincerely hope not, because the earlier editions are still full of useful information – The 10th edition just has a whole lot more.
Bench edition – 222 pages with plastic laminated soft cover.