Shop Manual, 5th Edition (J, K, L, & N frames)

The Kuhnhausen S&W manual was originally published in 1986 and, with introduction of the new 5th edition, is now in its 19th printing.
The new expanded 5th edition S&W manual covers traditionally designed and manufactured pre WWII, post WWII, transitional named model, and later numbered model S&W J, K, L, and N frame hand ejector revolvers manufactured through circa 1996 and includes a new historical section, traditional model listing, and expanded troubleshooting guide. This manual is chock full of new digital photos, principle illustrations, sectional illustrations, graphics, and basic and advanced revolversmithing information. Subjects include, but are not limited to: basic revolver function checks, disassembly, reassembly, parts inspection, parts data, parts fitting and replacement, timing and timing adjustment, ratchet problems and solutions, cylinder and yoke endshake (endplay) remedies, barrel/cylinder clearence, headspace, firing pin protrusion, barrel requalification and replacement, and complete repair and action tuning.
Section III includes basic data on the nontraditional, post 1997 MIM (powdered metal component) S&W revolver models and provides insight into the actual nature of MIM parts. The MIM components shown are examples of new replacement parts and parts from post 1997 S&W revolvers examined by author prior to publication.
Section III also covers things gunsmiths and revolversmiths can do to repair these revolvers and improve function. Complete revolver action rebuilding by discarding the original MIM action parts and fitting and installing Power Custom well heat treated tool steel components is shown and discussed at the end of the section.
Bench edition – 207 pages with soft cover.