Historical, highly collectable art gallery quality

Printed in Royal Blue and Tan ordnance colors on heavy 80# poster stock. Embossed leather grain plastic laminate finish.
Early U.S. ordnance “engraved plate” style Wall Chart illustrations from the companion book- The U.S. M1911/M1911A1 Pistols. This incredibly detailed, gallery quality M1911/M1911A1 Pistol Cycle of Operation Chart shows the M1911 operating cycle and basic function in sequential stages. 25 Drawings in all. Available Sizes: 39″x25″ and 25″x17″
The American Rifleman says:
“When it comes to explaining in historical ordnance language how an M1911 works, Heritage-VSP Publications chart clearly illustrates each phase of operation and shows the action of each involved part. The chart also details the M1911’s disconnector and thumb and grip safeties in separate closeups… Also included is an exploded parts diagram, which includes the Series 80 firing pin safety subassembly. This chart, which comes in two different sizes, should answer virtually any question about the M1911 cycle of operation.” – From feature article on page 23 of the July 97 issue of the American Rifleman
Where to Buy
Where to Buy:
39″x25″: Buy Now
25″x17″: Buy Now